Injeksi Rayap

Friday 31 January 2014

Jakarta Pest Control

JAKARTA PEST CONTROL adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa pelayanan Pest Control dan Termite Control. JAKARTA PEST CONTROL dibentuk tahun 2010, walaupun baru berdiri  tetapi sumber daya manusia, peralatan serta tekhnik pengendalian bisa disejajarkan dengan perusahaan Pest Control dan Termite Control terkemuka di Indonesia.

Hal ini terbukti dengan diberikannya kesempatan dan kepercayaan rutin oleh beberapa perusahaan untuk menangani permasalahan hama di tempatnya. Kepercayaan yang diberikan tidak  terlepas dari dukungan sumber daya manusia yang handal dan mempunyai pengalaman bertahun tahun dibidang pengendalian hama.

Pelayanan yang kami berikan mengacu kepada IPM (Integrated Pest Management) atau pengendalian hama terpadu sehingga memberikan rasa aman baik manusia, binatang, harta benda serta lingkungan, dan tidak mengganggu, melukai atau mematikan hama bukan sasaran.

Cakupan pelayanan Jakarta Pest Control meliputi area :
Meliputi rumah tinggal, villa & unit apartemen.

Meliputi  hotel, gedung, apartemen, perkantoran, restaurant, supermarket,    sarana pendidikan, sarana kesehatan dll.

Meliputi gudang, kontainer, pabrik pengolahan makanan & non makanan dll.

Jenis pelayanan Jakarta Pest Control sebagai berikut :
•          Integrated Insect Management
Pengendalian secara terpadu pada serangga meliputi serangga terbang (lalat, nyamuk dll) dan serangga merayap (kecoa, semut, , laba-laba dll).
•          Integrated Rodent Management
Pengendalian secara terpadu pada tikus meliputi tikus got, tikus atap & tikus  rumah.
•          Integrated Pest Management
Pengendalian secara terpadu pada tikus & serangga.

Integrated Termite Management
Pengendalian rayap secara terpadu berupa :
A. Chemical Barrier System (CBS)
Pengendalian rayap dengan sistem injeksi dan penyemprotan untuk bangunan yang belum jadi (pre-construction) dan yang sudah jadi (post-construction).

Metode  Chemical Barrier System (CBS) ditujukan untuk :
a. Untuk bangunan yang belum dibangun (Pre-Construction Building)
b. Untuk bangunan yang sudah dibangun (Post-Construction Building)
Cakupan hama : Semua Jenis Rayap Tanah (Subterranean Termites)


Prosedur pekerjaan tersebut akan dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut :

1. Pre- Construction

a. Foundation Treatment (Pondasi)
Ditujukan untuk membuat lapisan penghalang agar koloni rayap di bawah tanah tidak bisa masuk ke bangunan melalui pondasi/lantai.
Tahapan pelaksanaannya sebagai berikut :
i. Dilakukan penyemprotan ke dalam galian pondasi dan dinding pondasi sebanyak + 5 liter/m2.
ii. Dilakukan penyemprotan pada tanah urug setelah pondasi terpasang secara bertahap hingga seluruh pondasi tertutup oleh tanah urug.

b. Soil Treatment (Lantai tanah)
Ditujukan untuk melindungi seluruh lantai bangunan dari kemungkinan naiknya rayap ke atas di kemudian hari.
Tahapan pelaksanaannya sebagai berikut :
i. Penyemprotan dilakukan setelah proses urugan tanah selesai dan diratakan untuk membuat lantai kerja. Penyemprotan juga bisa dilakukan saat tanah urug sudah ditimbun dengan pasir lantai kerja.
ii. Dilakukan penyemprotan pada lapisan teratas tanah urug pada lantai bangunan sebanyak + 5 liter/m2.

c. Wood Treatment (Kayu)
Ditujukan untuk melapisi kayu dengan termitisida sebelum di-finishing untuk mencegah adanya serangan di kemudian hari.
Tahapan pelaksanaannya sebagai berikut :
i. Dilakukan pelaburan/penyemprotan termitisida pada seluruh kusen kayu yang belum di cat pada bangunan, sesuai tahapan pembangunan.
ii. Dilakukan pelaburan/penyemprotan termitisida pada seluruh kayu struktur atap yaitu pada kuda-kuda dan plafon sebelum dipasang dengan tujuan agar pelaburan/penyemprotan dapat lebih menyeluruh.
iii. Larutan termitisida yang akan disemprotkan pada kayu itu sebanyak 0,3 ltr/m2.

2. Post-Construction

a. Foundation Treatment (Pondasi)
Ditujukan untuk membuat lapisan penghalang agar koloni rayap di bawah tanah tidak bisa masuk ke bangunan melalui pondasi/lantai.
Tahapan pelaksanaannya sebagai berikut :
i. Dilakukan pengeboran lantai (diameter 8 mm) pada kedua sisi dari dinding pondasi setiap 30-40 cm, dengan 5 ltr larutan/m1 sesuai kondisi di lapangan.
ii. Larutan termitisida kemudian diinjeksikan ke tiap lubang ±(2 liter) sehingga membentuk ikatan lapisan penghalang di dalam tanah.
iii. Dilakukan penutupan lubang dengan semen berwarna serupa dengan warna lantai.

b. Soil Treatment (Lantai tanah)
Ditujukan untuk melindungi seluruh lantai bangunan dari kemungkinan naiknya rayap ke atas di kemudian hari.
Tahapan pelaksanaannya sebagai berikut :
i. Penyemprotan dilakukan setelah proses urugan tanah selesai dan diratakan untuk membuat lantai kerja. Penyemprotan juga bisa dilakukan saat tanah urug sudah ditimbun dengan pasir lantai kerja.
ii. Dilakukan penyemprotan pada lapisan teratas tanah urug pada lantai bangunan sebanyak + 5 liter/m2.

c. Wood Treatment (Kayu)
Ditujukan untuk melapisi kayu dengan termitisida sebelum di-finishing untuk mencegah adanya serangan di kemudian hari.
Tahapan pelaksanaannya sebagai berikut :
i. Dilakukan pelaburan/penyemprotan termitisida pada seluruh kusen kayu yang belum di cat pada bangunan, sesuai tahapan pembangunan.
ii. Dilakukan pelaburan/penyemprotan termitisida pada seluruh kayu struktur atap yaitu pada kuda-kuda dan plafon sebelum dipasang dengan tujuan agar pelaburan/penyemprotan dapat lebih menyeluruh.
iii. Larutan termitisida yang akan disemprotkan pada kayu itu sebanyak 0,3 ltr/m2.

B. Termite Baiting System (TBS)

Pengendalian rayap dengan sistem pengumpanan yang dapat menuntaskan seluruh koloni rayap di bawah tanah.

Di Indonesia pada umumnya ada tiga jenis rayap tanah yang paling sering menyerang bangunan antara lain rayap tanah jenis macrotermes, microtermes, dan coptotermes. Rayap tanah hidup dan berkembang biak optimal didalam tanah pada kedalaman 1 – 2 meter. Rayap membangun kerajaannya dengan cara berkoloni dan hidup secara berkasta. Kasta tertinggi adalah ratu dan raja, tentara, dan pekerja merupakan kasta terendah. Kasta pekerja yang bertugas merawat dan memberi makan kasta-kasta lain dalam satu koloni. Sifat transfer makanan dari rayap satu ke ribuan rayap lainnya adalah cara kerja mereka sehingga meyebabkan kecepatan kerusakan terhadap bahan bahan yang mengandung sellulosa seperti, kayu, kertas karpet, kabel dll yang merupakan makanan pokok rayap. Tingkat kerusakan dan daya jelajah dari tiga jenis rayap tanah yang paling hebat adalah jenis Coptotermes. Berdasarkan hasil survey dan kondisi bangunan yang sudah terinfestasi rayap maka kami merekomendasikan tindakan pengendalian dengan sistem pengumpan ( Termite baiting system ). 

Adapun keuntungan dari TBS ini sehingga kami merekomendasikan dengan system tersebut adalah :

  • Termite Baiting System tidak akan mengganggu atau merubah struktur  bangunan yang ditempati. Dengan sistem ini tidak perlu melakukan pengeboran pada interior maupun exterior.
  • Termite Baiting System tidak hanya membentengi bangunan dari serangan  rayap, namun dapat memusnahkan koloni rayap.
  • Dapat memberikan proteksi dari serangan rayap selama mungkin.
  • System ini sangat cocok untuk highrise building. 


Metode  : Termite Baiting System (TBS) dengan menggunakan metode pengumpanan. 
Cakupan hama :   Rayap Tanah (Subterranean Termite) jenis Coptotermes Sp dan rayap jenis macro / micro.

a. Installation 
Dilakukan pemasangan sistem pengumpanan pada lokasi :
• Above-Ground Station (AG)
Stasiun umpan yang dipasang langsung pada bangunan yang terserang. (hanya dipasang jika sudah ada serangan rayap aktif). Berisikan racun rayap berbentuk tissue yang disukai rayap.

• In-Ground Station (IG)
Stasiun umpan yang ditanam ke dalam tanah di sekeliling bangunan setiap ± 5-8 m. Stasiun umpan berisikan kayu umpan untuk memancing rayap yang sedang mencari makanan.

b. Monitoring 
Dilakukan pemeriksaan rutin pada In-Ground Station tiap 2 minggu sekali. Jika ditemukan adanya serangan rayap aktif pada kayu umpan, maka kayu umpan diganti dengan recuit II.  Monitoring juga dilakukan pada Above-Ground Station untuk memastikan apakah umpan telah termakan dan jumlah umpan masih mencukupi sampai monitoring selanjutnya. Pada saat melakukan monitoring, dilakukan pula inspeksi pada area disekitar station dan area kritikal lainnya untuk mengetahui adanya infestasi rayap baru.

c. Elimination
Dilakukan pemeriksaan rutin & penambahan tissue di dalam In-Ground dan Above-Ground Station tiap 2 minggu sampai koloni rayap habis tereliminasi (umumnya 3-6 bulan)

d. Monitoring Lanjutan
Setelah proses eliminasi koloni selesai, teknisi akan tetap melakukan monitoring pada Above-Ground Station dan mengganti Recruit II pada In-Ground Station dengan WMD / kayu umpan kembali. 

Jakarta Pest Control

HP    : 0882-2906-5281

Sunday 30 October 2011

Pest Control Process

Pest control aims to eliminate pests such as rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes and termites.

Spraying for cocroach treatment

Control mice of the rat bait as in the picture above. In it contains rat poison if eaten by rats then mice will die of thirst and dry.

As for mosquito control spraying is done by fogger both inside and outside the room.

Contact Us :
Jakarta Pest Control
Jl. Pulomas 2C 
Jakarta Timur

Mobile  : 0882-2906-5281


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Ultimate Termite Control: Guaranteed Termite Treatment Solution

Ultimate Termite Control: Guaranteed Termite Treatment Solution

“Stop Wasting Time & Money on Methods That Don't Work, End Your Termite Problems Permanently Using A Guaranteed Solution!”

I used to have a termite infestation, just like you. My house was crumbling, my garden was dying and my furniture was falling apart. I was waging an all out war on this terrible insect and I was losing.

I spent all my free time fighting this little creature. The evenings and weekends were a battle and I was determined to stop this termite infestation from spreading, yet the problem only seemed to get worse.

I tried nearly every product that was available on the market. Some of these products were just flat out lies that didn't work. Others seemed to work for a week or so, but soon the termites returned with a vengeance.
I even called in a few exterminators, yet this was the most expensive mistake I made, costing me thousands of $$$$$!

This might sound like something that you're currently going through. If it is then I urge you to continue reading. You see, all the mistakes I made fighting this creature were a blessing in disguise. Because over the years I've now discovered exactly what does and does not work when it comes to killing termites.

I now know precisely how to eliminate termites in the shortest time possible and how to stop them from coming back, ever again.

Maybe you've already tried termite products before that didn't work. And year after year the termites just keep returning. Don't worry, I've done the same thing and have tried every quick fix as well. I wasted countless hours, spent thousands of $$$ and tore up half my home. But thanks to perseverance and also little bit of luck, I have finally been able to find a fail-proof solution that works.

My brand new ebook "Ultimate Termite Control" will quickly solve your termite problems for good. It details everything you need for preventing termites from ever ruining your home again. Its step-by-step instructions are very simple and easy to follow and as soon as you start reading it you'll learn the best, fastest and most effective way of dealing with your termite problems.

The techniques described in my book have been proven to work and I stand behind this claim. I offer a 60 day risk free money back guarantee, so if you're not happy with the product, I'll give you a 100% refund and you get to keep the product for free – no questions asked. So you've got nothing to lose by giving my solution a try.

Inside "Ultimate Termite Control" you'll discover:

The NO.1 Method for getting rid of termites. There's a lot of confusion about what is the best termite treatment available. I'll give you a run-down of the different techniques available and reveal the best way of beating back the termites (I spent countless hours and thousands of dollars trying to discover this alone). Detailed inside are solutions to all the different types of termites including Drywood, Subterranean and Formosan termites.
x The DIY Solution: Save thousands of $$$ on termite treatment costs by taking care of termite treatment by yourself (a must for those on a budget as some anti-termite techniques cost a bomb, whereas pest control fees can run into the thousands!)
x Future Proof Your House & Garden. After showing you my how-to techniques for removing termites I'll also give you step-by-step information on how you can easily protect yourself against these creatures from ever returning to your house again.
x Exterminator truths revealed - What you need to know if you're calling in a pest control company for an inspection. I'll show you how to prevent yourself from getting ripped off, how to negotiate prices, how to get free termite inspections, what questions you need to ask, how to prepare for extermination, what techniques and chemicals should be used and much more!
x The NATURAL and ORGANIC methods for getting rid of termites. Have children? Cats & dogs? Vegetables growing in your garden? Then you might want to get rid of termites naturally so that nothing left behind is toxic to your family, pets or plants.
x Anti-Termite Product reviews. I'll show which products are safe and can be trusted whilst also letting you know what's toxic, damaging to your health and should be avoided at all costs. And I'll tell you the cheapest places for buying these solutions.
x Termites in the Garden? Protect your trees, garden sheds and vegetables from an insect onslaught that can wreck havoc to your backyard. Plus how you should treat termites that are outside your home differently from those inside your house.
x Are you Buying, Selling or Renting a place that you suspect has termite damage? I'll show you how to find evidence of termites in any house, what the law says about termite damage, an explanation on termite bonds & wdo inspections, how landlord's can be persuaded to solve your termite problems, how much living in a termite infested area will cost you, what you need to disclose when selling a house infested with termites and much more!
x Worried about Furniture? Have any antiques? I'll show you how to protect your chairs, tables, wardrobes and more. This is the most effective and durable way of preventing termites from chewing through your possessions.
x PLUS much more!

...And my ebook shows you how to effectively get rid of your termite infestation cheaply and in no time at all, and I'll give you the knowledge for protecting your home against any future termite invasions.

Do you want to join us and become the next person to permanently eliminate terminates from your life?

Thursday 19 May 2011


It is an insect and rodent control system that proved very effective, efficient and competitive. To implement the Integrated Pest Management takes first steps as follows:  

Ø Inspection pest.  
Ø Identification of pests.  
Ø Selection of pest control methods.  
Ø Implementation of pest control.  
Ø Evaluation

The concept of Integrated Pest Management is beneficial are as follows: a. The combination of several control methods The purpose of combining control methods are: Ø Faster. Ø More successful. Ø Durable.
b. Economical The goal is that the cost must be balanced with the results, should be effective, appropriate and well targeted.
c. Safe In the implementation of control there are no adverse side effects and environmental health.
d. Eliminate pests Integrated Pest Management is a system to eliminate the pests in an area so that pests do not come from within the area and then be monitored to kill pests that come from outside, so that the target pest elimination can be achieved. 

2. Sanitation Pests will always exist when there is still a supply of food, water and shelter. Good environmental sanitation to prevent pests multiply quickly and are very helpful success of Integrated Pest Management program. Action is needed on environmental sanitation are: 

 Ø Examination of clean water.  
Ø Supervision sewerage. 
Ø Control of insects and rodents.  
Ø Control of waste disposal.  
Ø Control of pollution.

Methods: Integrated Pest Management 

 a. Initial Treatment (month I)  
b. Regular Treatment (month II - XII) Period of contract: min. 1 year

Coverage of pests:
a. Mouse (All Types Rat)  

b. Insects crawling (all kinds of cockroaches, ants, spiders, centipedes, etc.)  
c. Flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, etc.).

Procedure of work will be done in the following manner:
a. Initial Treatment Pest control as a whole in order to eliminate existing pest populations. Initial treatment will be accompanied also by suggestions and recommendations on improvement of sanitation, access closure of pests, removal of nests and other suggestions to support the success of control.
b. Regular Treatment Pest control method "Inspected-Treated" with the aim to prevent and monitor re-infestation of pests that come from the surrounding environment. With regular treatment, it is expected the new pest population growth can be stopped early. Regular treatment will also be accompanied by suggestions and recommendations on improvement of sanitation etc. found during routine inspections and monitoring. 

To control rats, control is integrated with the method "3 Rings Monitoring System" is:
a. Ring I in around the fence (the inside) buildings, aims to monitor, prevent entry of rodents from the environment around the courtyard and eliminating it.
b. Ring II on the surrounding walls (outer side) of buildings, aims to monitor, prevent entry of rats from the page into the building and eliminating it.
c. Ring III on the surrounding wall space in the building, aims to monitor as well as eliminate the rat that is in the building.

Given the nature and the specific behavior of various types of pests that exist, it is necessary to a warranty  to its customers as follows:
a. For rats, cockroaches, ants, spiders and centipedes - we will try to eliminate the population at each visit, and if there are problems during the contract term and will make additional visits WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FEES IMPOSED.
b. For flying insects (mosquitoes and flies)  will try to eliminate the population at each visit, but remember cruising and easy it is their pest infestation in the building, we are NOT able to provide an additional visit at no additional cost. Jakarta Pest Control will recommend the installation of equipment such as fly catcher insect repellent, black holes, etc. as an addition to the purchasing system.

Contact Us :
Jakarta Pest Control
Jl. Pulomas 2C 
Jakarta Timur
Phone   : 021-9604.6408
Mobile  : 0813.8650.1642


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Pest & Termite Control

Penanganan hama rayap untuk di rumah / kantor / industri / pabrik dll dengan sistem injeksi (chemical barrier system / CBS) yaitu dengan menyuntikkan chemical anti rayap ke tanah di sekeliling pondasi bangunan.

Selain itu ada cara lain yaitu dengan cara pengumpanan / Termite Baiting System (TBS) yaitu dengan cara memebrikan umpan rayap pada jalur aktif sampai semua rayap tereliminasi total. Masa kontrak untuk sistem ini adalah 1 tahun.

Pest Control System adalah sistem penanganan hama seperti tikus, kecoa dan nyamuk untuk di perumahan / kantor / industri dll.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi :
M. Susanto
Jakarta Pest Control

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Sistem Pengumpanan Rayap